User research-driven UX and web design project with the end goal of a visually exciting, streamlined site with a focus on accessibility and quick navigation for users, and swift, robust resource management for the network staff.
Role: Lead Designer for Web
Web | UX | Strategy
Creative workshop-driven renaming, rebranding, and relaunch of long-standing youth arts group in the Rhondda valley, South Wales. The success of the branding also led to a large website with a community focus.
Role: Branding and Web Designer
Branding | Web | UX | Print
Concept pitch for Netflix. A proposed shop system that stocks two avenues of products: show/film merchandise (apparel, mugs, etc.), and items/set decor seen in the show itself (clothing and accessories, furniture, etc.). This aims to provide Netflix with another revenue stream, keep users in the Netflix ecosystem, and potentially allow for deals on wardrobe/set deals with suppliers.
Role: Lead Designer for UX
Web | UX | UI | App
Branding and digital campaign collateral for bilingual campaign across Wales. The campaign was intended to influence the manifestos of political parties for the 2021 Senedd election, wherein it was highly successful. The creative assets had to make complex information easy to understand, key asks to be engaging, and usable by housing associations for local influencing.
Role: Lead Designer, Brand Manager
Digital | Web | Video | Animation | Branding
Some of my Clients

What my Clients say…
Thank you so much — real privilege to benefit from your talent. I hope I have the chance to work again with you in the future — Good luck!
Florence Ayisi, CERDOTOLA